Cinematographic Art & Documentation

Journal of cinematographic studies
National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale (UNATC)


I. Cinematographic Art

Alexandru IORDACHESCU, M.A., Elefant Films, Geneva – Le cinéma est mort, vive le cinéma! Réalité, mort du cinéma d’auteur et transhumanisme (editorial)

Alina Petra MARINESCU-NENCIU, Ph. D. c, Bucharest University – Image Perception in the Realm of Media Manipulation. The Misleading Use of Newspaper Images

Monica ILIE-PRICA, National School of Political Science and Public Administration – Film Noir and Femme Fatale. A Contemporary Perspective

Beatrice MEDA, Ph.D c. National University of Theatre and Film "I.L.Caragiale", Bucharest – Exploring the Suspect Dimension of Realism in the Latest New Wave Romanian Cinema

Daniela DIMA-RIAIN BA, International Make-Up Artist Trade Show, London – The Romanian New Wave

Alexandru IORDACHESCU, M.A. Elefant Films, Geneva – Rêves éveillés, entropie et paradoxe de la reine rouge. Le pouvoir ambigu du cinéma.

II. Cultural studies: Inherited ideas

Irina Airinei Vasile, Ph.D. National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, and Sorin BORDUȘANU,Vicepresident of the Assigning Names Committee of Bucharest – A cultural perspective: suggestion for a documentary film.The toponymic heritage of Bucharest - Streets bearing Jewish names

Diana MEȚIU , Ph.D, Hyperion University, Bucharest – The Golden Ratio. From the oldest to the newest arts

Florin TOADER – Postmodernism in the art of film (lecture notes)

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